Monday, July 1, 2013

The Plank Challenge: The Challenge That Started It All

As I was browsing on Pinterest one day, I had a lot of physical fitness challenges popping up in my feed. The one that pushed me over the edge was the Plank Challenge: 0 to 5 minutes of planking in one month. Syd had posted it, and I mentioned it seeming unrealistic. "How so?" she asked.

And so I set out to prove it was unrealistic.

I am on Day 16: two minutes. For the third day. I've got 30 seconds down flat, no problem! 45, I can handle. One minute? Sure. Once I get past that one minute mark, though, it starts getting tough. I start breathing heavily, as though I'm running, and my arms start trembling (I'm doing the on-the-elbows pose), and my belly starts shaking like a bowl full of jelly. It's pretty hilarious, I'm sure, if you're watching me plank rather than being me planking.

My approach to the plank challenge is to repeat days till I complete them. Fail 90 seconds? Do it again. Fail two minutes? Do it again. (The next day.) I time myself on my phone, and I've started turning on the television just so I have noise in the background to distract me from my trembling body.

Now, pardon me while I go attempt Day 16: Attempt 3.

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