Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Day 3: I think I'm dying.


That is how I feel right now.

5:15 a.m.: Really? Alarm? I don't think so. I crawled out of bed anyway.

5:45 a.m.: Cats fed, I'm wondering why the hell I feel so damn tired. I went to bed early last night (was in bed at 9 on the dot, where usually it can be 9:30 or so) and I think I was zonked out by 9:15.

6 a.m.: Trying not to fall asleep in my eggs & pot roast. Have to find a way to make it through the work day without turning to chugging coffee all day. I plan on drinking lots of water. Just packed my peppermint tea so I can have a healthy, caffeine-free hot beverage after lunch. I would have packed my lemon zinger tea (oh so delicious and zippy on the tongue!) but I read the ingredient list, and it has soy lecithin in it. I don't remember what that does, but I know it's soy, so it's out. *sigh*

9:30 a.m.: I feel like death warmed over. Peppermint tea and water. Just keep trudging...

11:30 a.m.: Livelier, but have stuff to do for work that requires thought. That helps. Still tired and somewhat hungry. Counting minutes to lunch.

12 p.m.: Lunch. Leftover sausage and veggie stirfry, plus a banana. Forgot a fork. Eat with my fingers. Classy.

12:30 p.m.: Lunch is over. Still tired, still would rather be curled up in bed. Wish I could do as the Whole30Daily recommends and take a nap. But what kind of jobs do those people have where they can disappear for 20 or 30 minutes? Besides, it takes me 20 minutes to walk to and from my car.

3:20 p.m.: Dying. Cranky. Want a donut. Want to cry. Want to go home.

4:15 p.m.: Still suck-a-rific. Going to go home, scarf some tuna and veggie sticks, and go to bed.

5:45 p.m.: Making homemade mayo. Whose idea was this? I hope it turns out better than the last stuff I made.

6:30 p.m.: The mayo is horrific. I will eat it anyway, mixed in the tuna with sriracha sauce. And boiled eggs. Feeling better.

8:30 p.m.: I'm so ready for bed. Where did the evening get to? Damn it.

It's been a rough day, folks. And I'm not even giving up a soda habit like Sydnii. Just...a month of shitty junk food. Hmph.

Apparently it's normal to have a 'hangover' on day 3. Tomorrow: stay tuned for killing things!

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