Saturday, July 13, 2013

Challenge Failure

I did not make my primal challenge. I failed. Spectacularly. Mountain Dew and a plate of different foods from a Chinese buffet. And dessert.


I have lots of reasons why I didn't make it. Am I making excuses? Maybe. But in the midst of moving, it is very difficult to cook. My pans were all packed except one. I had spent all afternoon packing. And I looked at that single pan and could not think what to make. So when my mom (who is helping me pack and move), suggested Chinese, I said YES!

So I lost. I plan on doing it again (maybe even the Whole30!), after my move, after I've settled in. At a time where I'm not severely limited in what and how I can cook.

I've had lots of people say outright that they couldn't stick to my primal challenge. I probably could have, if I tried harder. But I decided I didn't need to add food stress to my move and packing stress. So my food choices a going to kinda suck the next few days, because I won't be able to cook. But, you know, that's okay. Because I'm not the type to feel guilty about the food I eat. Or even the food products that I eat.

1 comment:

  1. Totally not a failure! You did the best you could, and I have total faith in you that you can kick a primal or Whole30 challenge in the future. Hell, I'm doing it, so I know you can. <3
