Friday, July 5, 2013

Primal Challenge: Day 6 Ponderings

Day six! Yes! Still... I would say going strong, but its really more of a defeated crawl that I'm doing. I am limping towards the finish line, with delicious not-primal dinners and desserts and drinks planned for my end-of-challenge celebration. If I can make it 24 more days.

I'm planning on spending the next two days at my parents' house. My parents, who live on bread and soda. Not to mention going to a family reunion. I know there will be at least one thing I can eat there: pulled pork. I'm planning on making one or two one minute muffins to take to use as bread so I can have pork sandwiches. Hopefully there will be veggies or fruit or something.

Yesterday, I got the bright idea of making my own Sprite. I bought carbonated water, lemons, and a lime. Found a recipe online. Followed it (substituting sugar for stevia). Took a drink... And it was nasty. Gross. Disgusting. Ew. It probably didn't help that the stevia made everything bubble up and look like I'd mixed in some soap.

This morning I woke up at 7am. I got to sleep in! Even more amazing, I didn't eat breakfast until about 8:15. Usually I'm up and I go straight to the kitchen. Maybe this challenge is helping curb my hunger cravings. I am hungry less often, which is kind of nice. Also, I've noticed Taft my weight has pretty much stabilized. I used to fluctuate +/- five pounds in the course of a day. Now my weight stays pretty steady. (And is steadily dropping. Weird. Or not.). Guess its because I don't have bread and sugar causing me to bloat or whatever.

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